Disclosure Policy
Basic IR Policy
Our basic policy for IR activities is to disclose information on our company to shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders in a fair, timely, and appropriate manner.
We aim to maximize corporate value by enhancing operational transparency through communication with shareholders and investors.
Information Disclosure Standards and Methods
We consider the following as material information to be disclosed.
- Information to be disclosed on a regular or extraordinary basis as required by law (annual securities reports, quarterly reports, and extraordinary reports)
- Information to be disclosed on a regular basis as required by the Tokyo Stock Exchange's timely disclosure rules (financial statements and quarterly financial statements)
- Material information whose disclosure is required by the Tokyo Stock Exchange's timely disclosure rules
- Information whose disclosure is not required by law or the timely disclosure rules but that may affect the investment decisions of shareholders and investors
The information listed above will be disclosed on TDnet (Timely Disclosure Network) and EDINET (Electronic Disclosure for Investors' NETwork, an electronic disclosure system for securities reports and other disclosure documents based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act) and subsequently posted on our corporate website.
Timely Information Disclosure System
We have established internal rules on disclosing material information in order to ensure the fair, timely, and appropriate sharing of information.
Department Responsible for Information Disclosure
At our company, the Corporate General Manager is responsible for information handling, and the Corporate Planning Department is responsible for timely disclosure.
Quiet Period
In order to prevent the leakage of financial information and ensure fair disclosure, we designate the period from the day following the end of each quarter to the announcement of financial results as a quiet period, during which we refrain from responding to any inquiries related to financial results.
We will disclose information in a timely and appropriate manner even during the quiet period if required by law or the timely disclosure rules.
This does not apply to inquiries about information that has already been made public or information that was made public during the quiet period.